Ivan Ho

Ivan is a self taught bassist, motivated by complex rhythms and melodies. He first started with piano when younger (2003), but felt compelled to learn the bass guitar later on (2009). He plays bass in a prog/math rock band called Approaching Aphelion (est 2018). His recent favourite influences include Owane, Delta Sleep, and Chon.
Music, to him, is subjective - a song or piece of music doesn't have to be enjoyed and appreciated by all to be considered art. But it has to evoke feelings in the listener.
As an instructor, he will impart his experiences and challenges playing and writing for his band in their space/genre. He will share how he approaches the role of bassist alongside the guitar and drums, to complement but not overpower.
12 Years music experience
10 Years performance experience
Noise Music Mentorship 2018
Jyocho (JP) Live in Singapore 2019
Baybeats Budding Bands 2020
Baybeats 2021